Windows 8: Windows Live Mail Setup

Windows 8: Windows Live Mailsetup

The Mail app that comes with Windows 8 is buggy and truly awful.
Instructions on configuring it are here.

A preferable solution is to use Windows Live Mail which is downloadable as part of Microsoft Windows Essentials. Click here to download.

Configure Windows Live Mail as follows:-

1. Go to the Start Pane (you can use the windows button), click on the search magnifying glass, type in mail, click on Windows Live Mail from the result list

2. Click on the "Accounts" tab. Three buttons will be visible, @Email, Newsgroup, @ Properties. Click on the @email button.

4. When the "Add your email accounts" window appears, Enter the following infomration;

5. Enter the following informationt;

  • Email address: Your full or email address
  • Password: Your Australia On Line provided email password
  • Display name for your sent messages: Your own name

6. Tick Manually configure server settings and Click Next

7. Select Server Type IMAP (Not POP)

8. Enter the following informationt;

  • Server address: and tick requires a secure connection (SSL)
  • Authentication using: Clear Text
  • Logon user name: Your Australia On Line email address without the "" or ""
  • Outgoing Server address:
  • Requires a secure connection (SSL): Tick
  • Requires authentication: Tick

8. Click Next.

9. The new account is now created. Click on the @Properties button at the top and then select the "IMAP" tab.

10. Enter the word Inbox into the field Root folder path, enter exactly as shown with an upper case I. Click OK. Yes, you would like to refresh your folder list.

  1. Help
  2. Setup the Internet
  3. Setup Email
  4. Dial-up Phone Number
  5. Email Virus Scanning
  6. Email Spam Scanning
  7. Dropouts & Disconnections
  8. Security Software
  9. Free Web Space
  10. Accounts Help
  11. Broadband Help
  12. Dial-up Help
  13. Email Help
  14. Setup Help
  15. Dial-up Turbocharger™ Help